Sunday, August 21, 2011

The rise and fall of Harlem: the conspiracy to retake Harlem. Fact or Fiction? The finale part six.

In conclusion, in part one of this mini blog I asked the question, who is at fault for the re-taken of Harlem? The greedy white corporations with Uncle Tom like Negroes at the forefront. Or us the black residents who live in Harlem and consider Harlem our Mecca. I say both!

We are at fault because we refused to unite and pool our resources together in a collective manner for an infinite purpose. Especially those who know. So that being the case and the case being that everything in existence has an accountability attached to it, then we all are held accountable.

Of course there is a history behind why we don't pool our resources, or why we won't unite for a common cause. But that is another subject for another time. Bottom line is we could have stopped the gentrification or the so called empowerment zone, if we just as simply boycotted. Don't spend our money with stores or businesses that are non-black.

Look at china town. The majority of the businesses down there are owned and operated by the Chinese. Hence the name china town. Why can't we have a black town? Why does everyone else get to have their own town except black people?

Last but not least, I wouldn't say it is white America's greedy corporation fault. Because they are here to do what they were born to do. Rape, pillage and plunder. They have been doing this so long I can't even fault them, it is what it is, and oft times it is easier to just accept the realities or nature of a thing. Why? Because we should never waste our time searching for that which does not exist. Freedom, justice and equality do not exist among certain people. That being the case the weight is on our shoulders to make sure we have a financial stake where we live.

Now there is another element in the fall of Harlem. And that element is the Abyssinia development corporation. Under them Pathmark was able to open up in Harlem, Walt Disney (now closed) and many others. Consider some of the co-chairmen on the Abyssinia development corporation

  • John boyle – ceo & chairman of Pathmark
  • Mary cosgrove – Sr vp of citi bank
  • Gerald Levine – ceo of time Warner
  • Kenneth chenault – ceo of American express ( Mr. chenault is black and also a member of the council of foreign relations )
  • Carol perry – chase bank
  • Horace webb – con Edison

Calvin butts is the chairman of the Abyssinia development corporation, and more than likely a member of the boule. (More about the boule in the next blog)

In summary. Harlem was sold out by some of our own people who were promised a stake in Harlem. and the white investors went through the black church. Even some churches were sold and made into condos (so even god isn't safe in his own house) so now today we are stuck in the middle of a war to completely over take harlem, which hasn't happened as of yet. Only the future will tell where this all leads.

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