Sunday, August 21, 2011

The rise and fall of Harlem: the conspiracy to retake Harlem. Fact or Fiction? The finale part six.

In conclusion, in part one of this mini blog I asked the question, who is at fault for the re-taken of Harlem? The greedy white corporations with Uncle Tom like Negroes at the forefront. Or us the black residents who live in Harlem and consider Harlem our Mecca. I say both!

We are at fault because we refused to unite and pool our resources together in a collective manner for an infinite purpose. Especially those who know. So that being the case and the case being that everything in existence has an accountability attached to it, then we all are held accountable.

Of course there is a history behind why we don't pool our resources, or why we won't unite for a common cause. But that is another subject for another time. Bottom line is we could have stopped the gentrification or the so called empowerment zone, if we just as simply boycotted. Don't spend our money with stores or businesses that are non-black.

Look at china town. The majority of the businesses down there are owned and operated by the Chinese. Hence the name china town. Why can't we have a black town? Why does everyone else get to have their own town except black people?

Last but not least, I wouldn't say it is white America's greedy corporation fault. Because they are here to do what they were born to do. Rape, pillage and plunder. They have been doing this so long I can't even fault them, it is what it is, and oft times it is easier to just accept the realities or nature of a thing. Why? Because we should never waste our time searching for that which does not exist. Freedom, justice and equality do not exist among certain people. That being the case the weight is on our shoulders to make sure we have a financial stake where we live.

Now there is another element in the fall of Harlem. And that element is the Abyssinia development corporation. Under them Pathmark was able to open up in Harlem, Walt Disney (now closed) and many others. Consider some of the co-chairmen on the Abyssinia development corporation

  • John boyle – ceo & chairman of Pathmark
  • Mary cosgrove – Sr vp of citi bank
  • Gerald Levine – ceo of time Warner
  • Kenneth chenault – ceo of American express ( Mr. chenault is black and also a member of the council of foreign relations )
  • Carol perry – chase bank
  • Horace webb – con Edison

Calvin butts is the chairman of the Abyssinia development corporation, and more than likely a member of the boule. (More about the boule in the next blog)

In summary. Harlem was sold out by some of our own people who were promised a stake in Harlem. and the white investors went through the black church. Even some churches were sold and made into condos (so even god isn't safe in his own house) so now today we are stuck in the middle of a war to completely over take harlem, which hasn't happened as of yet. Only the future will tell where this all leads.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The rise and fall of Harlem: the conspiracy to retake Harlem. Fact or Fiction? Part five

This will be a sought of pre-recap/summary before I conclude this series in the next and final part. (Part 6) so the bottom line is this, like it or not, black people were not brought over to America in slave ships to be producers for themselves (or ourselves). No, instead we were brought over here to the HELLS of North America to be producers for white America. We were not brought over here to help the Native Americans. We brought over here to be fools and tools for white America. Surely you didn't think that the enemy brought us 9,000 miles from Africa to America so he could help us open up a steak and take, or a boutique or to help us get a SBA loan so we may do for self. And this is not hate or rhetoric; this is the un-disputable, in-refutable un-deniable fact, proof and history of our sojourn in America.

  • From the author Samuel Goode in his book entitled "Turning to the south" he states the following: "and all the gold mines of the world have not produced enough gold in 500 years to pay for thirty crops of the south's cotton, and all the silver mines of the world for same 500 years produced $500,000,000 less than the value of the south's thirty years cotton crop."
  • From the Atlanta Constitution it calculated that the thirty years after emancipation " the nations cotton crop generated nearly $8.5 billion (now worth $224 Billion) nearly triple the amount of money generated from the production of gold and silver in the united states in the previous century"

So from the above two examples is why we were brought over here to make others rich. Simple and plain.

It is stated that history repeats its self, for those who don't learn. It is also said or stated that the present is built off of yesterday and tomorrow is built on today. And last but not least it is also stated that there is nothing new under the sun, what was done yesterday will be done today. But before I continue let me call some witnesses to the witness stand, and let's see if we can "do the math "as we say. Basically meaning, let's see if can add everything together and see what the sum or total is today.

  • From author Kenneth Stampp in his book entitled " The Era of Reconstruction, 1865-1877 " he states the following: " the purpose of Jim Crow was to keep the negro ( that's you black people in case you didn't know), as long as possible, exactly what he was, a property-less rural laborer under strict controls, without political rights, and with inferior legal rights." (also see William Cohen "At Freedoms Edge: Black Mobility and the Southern White Quest for Racial Control" , 1861-1915 and also David Brown and Clive Webb "Race in the American South: from Slavery to Civil Rights)
  • From the author Williamson "After Slavery" and author Durrill " The south Carolina black code " they state the following: (or reported the following) " one planter reminded the framers (of the new black codes) that freed black people should be prohibited from ever owning real estate and the very idea of land ownership should never cross the their minds
  • From the author Juliet Walker in her book entitled "The History Black Business in America: Capitalism, Race, Entrepreneurship", states the following: "the negroes…. Keep a large amount of money in circulation in the country, and consume on a much larger scale than formerly, which makes the business of supplying them as lucrative, if not more so, then planting or renting"

So looking at the above is it coincidence that black farm owners/operators in south only own 1.49 million acres of land, down from 15 million acres of land in the 1920's. (see African American Rural Land Wealth: The Crisis and the Opportunities", Prof. Thomas Mitchell, Univ. of Wisconsin Law School) in the book it also states that some of the problems black farm owners face is (1) denial of credit and (2) high predatory loans.

And what about the inferior legal rights? This is from the department of Justice:


"Among Federal offenders sentenced under guide lines from January 20, 1989, to June 30, 1990, there were substantial aggregate differences in sentences imposed on white, black, and Hispanic offenders. During this period, 85% of Hispanic offenders and 78%of black offenders were sentenced to imprisonment, compared with 72%of white offenders. On average, black offenders sentenced to prison during this period had imposed sentences that were 41% longer than for whites (21months longer). For incarcerated Hispanics, the average imposed sentence did not differ significantly from the average sentence for whites." (see U.S. department of Justice: office of justice programs Bureau of justice statistics: sentencing in federal courts: does race matters.)


And last but not least, black spending power in America is According to a survey: black buying power is estimated now at about $913 billion and is projected to increase to $1.2 trillion by 2013.
A similar study released in November by the Selig Center at the University of Georgia estimated that black buying power would be about $1.1 trillion by 2014, with current spending power for blacks at about $910 billion.







Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Let's jump for a second from the 1700's to the late 1800's and the early 1900's when blacks began to migrate from the south to the north, (Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Baltimore, also to the west and the Midwest) but in particular Harlem.

Now prior to the mass migration of blacks from the south (between the years of 1910-1930) see
Hahn, Steven. A Nation Under Our Feet (2003) there was already the presence of a group of individuals that call themselves Jews. (See Jeffery Gurock : when Harlem was Jewish. 1870-1930 ) As this article or blog continues we will see the importance of the European Jews and its relationship (or secret relationship) with blacks in America. And whether or not they are or were the primary(note: this writer used the word "primary" because this writer is not going to advocate that the Jews or anyone else is the sole 100% reason why black people do not control Harlem) cause of the decline of Harlem. And did they conspire to keep Harlem out of the hands of black people.

The Jewish presence in New York City goes back to the 17th century. (According to Joyce gold she stated the following "Harlem was once the third largest Jewish settlement in the world, after Warsaw and the Lower East Side."
teaches New York history at New York University and the New School for Social Research)
The European Jew specialized as auctioneers, bounty hunters, plantation owners, they insured the slave vessels and other forms of business, but in particular they mastered peddling, which became one of his most lucrative occupations. (Jews grew from peddling on the streets to forming major department stores like Macys, Gimbles, Blumstein's, sears and etc) By 1915 one out of every four New Yorker was a Jew and Jews represented between 8 and 10 percent of the population of other urban centers like Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore.

But aside from the stated above they also had a prime stake in real estate. German Jews had long been established in the financial center of New York. By the time of the post civil war they had amassed such wealth that they could offer backing to the governments of both the union and the confederacy. (See avraham barkai: branching out and finance the North American continent) By the 1900's New York City listed 60 Jewish millionaires. And the root of German Jewish financial backing was clear, of 52 banking institutions in Berlin at the beginning of the 19th century, 30 were Jewish. (Another subject another time)

The purpose of the previous two paragraphs is to (1) establish the presence of the Jews in New York City, in particular Harlem and (2) to establish their financial power in New York and in Harlem. Now let's look at another side of the Jewish / black relationship and how it relates to the social and economic condition of Harlem.


Fyodor Dostoyevsky (a Russian novelist 1821-1881, wrote "the diary of a writer") stated the following "they have already leaped en masse upon the millions of liberated negroes and have already taken a grip upon them in their, the Jews, own way by means of their everlasting gold pursuit and by taking advantage of the inexperienced and vices of the exploited tribe…… the negroes are a treasure for the Jews"

According to Stuart Rockoff of the institute of southern Jewish life he stated the following "the rural south started its decline around the time when African Americans, the majority of whom had worked as agricultural laborers, began migrating to seek industrial jobs in northern cities like Chicago (and New York) because of their migration (black people) economic opportunity for Jewish merchants, who had relied on African American as customers, diminished too, and so the Jews started migrating to big cities as well" In 1898 Blumstein's department store opened up on 125st (75% of Blumstein's sales were to African Americans but the company refused to employ them as clerks or cashiers)

So according to the above two paragraphs, the Jews depended on the patronage of the black man and women. (Although he didn't see fit to hire them as employees) There economic survival depended on the black consumer, and you know there is a thin line between a consumer and a producer. If black people become producers and supported only one another? Then where would that leave the Jew?

Now as the black presence began to increase, whites declined to rent to blacks or sell them their properties. If they did rent to a black family they charged the black family nearly triple versus what white people were paying. For example: a one room apartment rented to whites for $40 a month, but the same one room apartment rented for $100-125 a month.

In or around 1901 there was a black real estate entrepreneur by the name of Phillip Payton JR who's company name was afro-American realty company. His company, the Afro-American Realty Company, was almost single-handedly responsible for migration of blacks from their previous neighborhoods,
the Tenderloin, San Juan Hill (now the site of Lincoln Center), Minetta Lane in Greenwich Village and Hell's Kitchen in the west 40s and 50s] The move to northern Manhattan was driven in part by fears that anti-black riots such as those that had occurred in the Tenderloin in 1900] and in San Juan Hill in 1905 might recur.

Between 1907 and 1915, some white residents of Harlem resisted the neighborhood's change, especially once the swelling black population pressed west of Lenox Avenue which served as an informal color line until the early 1920s Some made pacts not to sell to or rent to blacks.(that sounds like a conspiracy to me) Others tried to buy property and evict black tenants, but the Afro-American Realty Company retaliated by buying other property and evicting whites. They also attempted to convince banks to deny mortgages to black buyers, but soon gave up.